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Single Sign-On (SSO) - Main Configuration

Single Sign-On (SSO) allows users to authenticate once, and gain access to multiple applications without needing to log in to them separately.

Configuring SSO involves setting up details from your Identity Provider (IdP). Follow these steps to configure SSO on your Drimify account:

Required information from identity provider (IdP)

Before starting the configuration, you will need the following details from your IdP:

* Identity provider entity ID (Issuer URL)
* Single sign-on service URL
* Single logout service URL
* X509 Certificate
* Encryption X509 certificate (optional)

Step-by-step configuration guide

Step 1: Enter identity provider details

Identity Provider Entity ID (Issuer URL)

Description: The Entity ID (also known as the Issuer URL) is a unique identifier for your IdP. It is usually a URL.

Single Sign-On Service URL
Description: The Single Sign-On Service URL is the endpoint where the authentication request is sent. This URL is provided by your IdP.

Single Logout Service URL
Description: The Single Logout Service URL is the endpoint used to log out from the IdP.

X509 Certificate
Description: The X509 Certificate is used to verify the identity of the IdP and secure the communication between your platform and the IdP.
Example: A certificate text beginning with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ending with -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

Encryption X509 Certificate (Optional)
Description: This certificate is used for encrypting the SAML assertions. It's optional and depends on your security requirements.
Example: A certificate text beginning with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ending with -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

Step 2: Save and test configuration

After entering all the required information, click on the Save button to apply the settings.

Important: Testing the SSO configuration can only be done using the direct link to your application. The SSO functionality will not work in preview mode.

Ensure that you have set up the SSO game detail within your SSO platform to accept calls from Drimify. These settings can be found in the game publish section at the bottom of the page.

Test the configuration by initiating a login through your IdP using the direct application link to ensure everything is set up correctly.

Troubleshooting tips

Incorrect entity ID or URLs: Verify that you have copied the correct URLs and Entity ID from your IdP’s configuration.
Certificate issues: Ensure that the certificates are in the correct format and have not expired.
SSO Platform configuration: Double-check that you have configured the SSO game detail within your SSO platform to accept calls from Drimify.
The game loads without the SSO enabled: Make sure you have enabled the SSO within your game configuration and that your plan includes this Premium option.
Contact support: If you encounter issues, contact our support team.

Updated on: 01/08/2024

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