Articles on: Developers & API
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API & data structure

There are 3 ways to connect to our API:

Using Zapier -
Using Make -
Direct API calls - documentation and example available here:

IdUnique ID.
idunicData collected for the unique ID field.
genderData collected for the gender field.
usernameData collected for the username field.
firstNameData collected for the first name field.
lastNameData collected for the last name field.
emailData collected for the email field.
dobData collected for the date of birth field.
addressData collected for the address field.
cpData collected for the postcode field.
townData collected for the town field.
countryData collected for the country field.
phoneNumberData collected for the phone number field.
companyNameData collected for the company name field.
websiteData collected for the website field.
optinNewsletterData collected for the optin checkbox.
customTextData collected for the custom text field.
customFormatData collected for the custom format field.
profilProfile result if personality test / quiz / survey app.
profilUidProfile unique ID if personality test/ quiz / survey app.
scoreUser Score if score based app.
prizeUidPrize Uid, if no prize won this return the string “lost”.
prizeTitlePrize Title recorded when the user has won a prize.
prizeRefPrize Refrence recorded when the user has won a prize.
codeCode won by the user.
dateServer timestamp (2020-11-12T19:09:32+01:00 for example).
publisherIdThe ID of the publisher.
sessionIdUser Session ID.
countryCodeCountry code based on the user IP (FR for example).
selectValueData collected for the custom dropdown menu.
selectValue2Data collected for the 2nd custom dropdown menu.
customCheckboxData collected for the custom checkbox list
timeTakenTime spent by the user on the app.
referralTraffic source referral.
updatedAtThe date when the data have been updated.
connectionCountryCountry based on the user IP (France for example).
updatedAtTimeStampA timestamp when the data have been updated.
dateWithTimezoneTimestamp converted to the timezone set up for the app (2020-11-12T17:09:32+01:00 for example).
localeThe application language used during the user experience.
ipAddressUser IP address.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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