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Define Your Background

The background is a global setting, meaning it will be consistent throughout your game.

Your options here include:

Background Colour: Either enter the hex key, or click on the colour box to select your background colour, or influence the colour of the background opacity filter.
Visually isolate main content: Enabling this button will allow you to isolate your content (images and text) from the background, on a black background for a dark theme and a white background for a light theme.
Application Background: If you’d prefer a pattern or an image to appear as your background, you can opt to Select an image. For a more dynamic background, you can even opt to Select a video. The recommended sizes for both options are indicated under the upload buttons.

If using a video as your background, Looped footage will give the best visual results. You want it to be dynamic, but videos with too much going on could be distracting and detract from the user experience.

Remember, this is a global feature and will appear as the background for every screen. If you’re using an image for the background, and have other images on different screens, test to see how they’ll look.

Drimify apps are mobile-first and responsive, so how these appear will vary on different devices. Elements present on the sides of a patterned visual will be less visible on mobile for example. It's up to you to experiment and see what works best.

Background opacity filter: Adjusting the opacity filter controls the “weight” of your background colour when paired with a background image. For example, a white background colour, plus an uploaded image, will essentially filter the image in a white tint, with the weight or strength of that tint determined by the background opacity filter’s value. It’s worth experimenting with in testing to get the desired effect.

You can also disable the opacity filter entirely.

Updated on: 19/02/2024

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