Articles on: Games & Experiences
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Which game is the most popular?

Games and gamification experiences are tools for achieving business goals, so don’t think about their popularity - instead consider how they can be configured to most effectively serve your purposes.

The right game for you depends on several factors relating to your project, including:

The goals you want to achieve
Your target audience
Additional context (such as if your project is related to a particular event in your calendar)

Drimify’s extensive catalogue of customisable game engines are broken down into categories - some of which are particularly well-suited to meeting certain challenges.

Guidance on choosing the right game type

Below is broad-strokes guidance to help you narrow down the most appropriate game engine to customise to reach your goals.

Please note, this list is not exhaustive, nor set in stone. In fact, through the various configuration options, most game engines can be adapted to excel in multiple scenarios.

GoalTypical Game Category
Distribute promotional codes and prizesInstant Win Games
Foster competition, or challenge your audienceGames and Sports Games
Educate, raise awareness, and promoteQuestion & Answer Games
Create long-term engagementGamification Experiences
Better understand your audienceQuestion & Answer Games
Encourage participants to take a specific actionAll

Distribute promotional codes and prizes

If you’re looking for a way to distribute prizes or promotional codes, you should first consider our collection of instant win games, which automatically distributes prizes as their primary function.

Please note, all Drimify games have the draw feature, which you can use after an experience to randomly draw a participant based on various criteria you can define. This could be applied to a prize draw, but it wouldn’t be central to the experience.

Foster competition, or challenge your audience

If you’re looking to create some competition or engaging challenge, your most likely category options are going to be games and sports games.

These offer a range of classic casual games, puzzles, and sports-themed games that can be customised to your branding and story, and feature point-scoring mechanics and leaderboard functionality.

Educate, raise awareness, and promote

If you’re looking to get across a specific point, impart a certain way of thinking, or transfer knowledge, the question and answer games probably offer the most utility.

Please note, all Drimify games allow you to include intermediate screens before and after experiences, where you can include multimedia and text content to influence your audience.

Source user-generated content

If user generated multimedia content is the goal, the Media Contest is the most appropriate game engine to consider.

Create long-term engagement

If you’re looking to engage audiences over time, or for longer durations, the game engines available in the gamification experiences category offer various ways to combine multiple levels of Drimify games and content screens into a single experience.

Better understand your audience

To get more insights into your audience, the question and answer games offer most utility, particularly through the Survey, Product Recommendation Quiz, and Personality Test game engines.

Please note, all Drimify games have optional data collection forms to use as intermediate screens, which can be used to record user preferences.

Encourage participants to take a specific action

All Drimify games can be utilised for this, as all have various options to include call-to-action buttons (CTA). You can use these to send them directly to strategic web pages alongside a message to “Buy” or “Review,” encourage them to visit a physical location, or to book a meeting - whatever you need.

What to do next

For more ideas, play through the demos in our product catalogue to see if you can envision how they might be adapted to your brand, or check out our success stories to how other brands have used Drimify,

We also offer the Strategy Pack as part of our agency services. We help recommend the most ideal experiences and game engine(s) for your project, and formulate a winning strategy to help it succeed and deliver for your business.

Updated on: 13/05/2024

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