Create a Media Contest and connect a Voting Gallery
The Photo Contest and Video Contest formats can both be used with the Voting Gallery as part of a larger experience, or used separately, depending on your goals.
Find out how to configure and customise your applications on the Drimify platform with our 7-minute masterclass.
You can create and customise different types of competitions:
A Photo contest
A Video Contest
An audio contest
Or even a mix of media formats simultaneously
To tailor the mechanics of your contest, you go to the Game Configuration creation step. Here you can manage various elements:
As mentioned above, when creating a media competition, you'll be able to choose and tick the type of file that participants will have to upload to the application to take part in your competition: image, video, or audio.
Several parameters and options can be set:
When a file is uploaded to the application, each participant may or may not add a short description to its content
The maximum number of files a participant can submit per entry (between 1 and 10)
Allow participants to skip the upload stage if their entry is not yet ready
Automatically publish content generated by participants without prior moderation (not advised)
This is what the submission screen looks like:

If the file format does not match, an error message will prompt the user to submit a file in the correct format.
You can also create a system of categories.
Add as many categories as you like and name them
When taking part and submitting content, participants will have to select the category their submission is for
Once your application is online and your campaign launched, you'll find the content moderation area under the creation stages in the About section.
You'll find 3 categories:
Pending content waiting for moderation
Accepted content
And Rejected content

This is where all the participants' submissions will be grouped together, and where you can manage them and access their information, such as:
Date of entry
Users' first and last names and emails (if applicable)
Description of content
Number of votes (if linked to a Voting Gallery and applicable).
By clicking on the ⁝ at the top right of each piece of content, you can: view it in full screen mode, download it, or delete it permanently.
Once you have clicked on the Moderation page, you will first find yourself in the Pending category. This is where the content will arrive first and where you will be able to reject or accept the submissions under each content item, by clicking on one of the buttons.
Content you accept will be placed in the Accepted category. You can also reject them at any time if you have clicked the wrong button.
Any content you reject be placed in the Rejected category. You can also accept them at any time if you clicked the wrong button.
You can log in to your account and manage moderation at any time after your campaign and throughout your campaign.
If your Photo or video Contest is associated with a Voting Gallery, only the images that you have accepted and validated will be displayed in your gallery. However, if you have activated the option to automatically publish content generated by participants without prior moderation, all content submitted will go directly into the "Accepted" category and will therefore be visible to everyone.
The Voting Gallery a very versatile tool. You can create a gallery to:
Use the voting function to promote and decide your media contest, and either approve media from a connected contest, or upload content manually for users to vote for their favourites
Serve as an art gallery or slideshow to showcase and share your own content
Or both at the same time
You can customise the voting gallery to your needs in the Game Configuration creation step. This allows you to manage the various elements of the experience you're looking to deliver.
There are 3 different settings for populating the gallery with content:
By choosing this option, you'll be able to upload your own content directly onto the platform and into the gallery. This can be images, videos, or even sound files. You'll then be able to name them within the application for internal reference, and also give them a description.
How do I identify the winners?
To find out which media has received the most votes, all you have to do is go to the Game Configuration step, i.e. where you uploaded your content.
Under each uploaded media, you'll find a box showing the number of votes it has received:

This option allows you to connect a Voting Gallery to a Media Contest you've already created - you can directly retrieve the content shared by participants from a Photo Contest or Video Contest that's already online and invite people to vote for the winners.
Several media competitions can be linked to a single gallery to retrieve even more content.
Once you've chosen this option, select the app you want from the drop-down menu:

It is best to first create and configure the Photo Contest or Video Contest, and then configure the Voting Gallery.
By choosing this last option, you'll be able to do both of the above, one after the other, to offer even more content.
There are 2 "gallery types," or ways you can display content to users: a feed that appears vertically, or a slider format that appears horizontally.
You can then choose what information you want to display in your Voting Gallery:
Description (if applicable)
The date on which the media was uploaded or participated in
The content sorting filter
In the case of content submitted through a Video or Photo Contest, you can also choose to display:
The full or abbreviated name or the entrant (or leave them anonymous)
The categories set up in the associated contest
Finally, you can choose to filter the order in which gallery content is displayed by default between:
Most recent
The oldest
The most votes
The fewest votes
As mentioned above, this option is not mandatory.
However, once the voting function has been activated, a number of parameters can then be set:
The number of votes per person (between 1 and 10 per session)
The dates on which votes are opened
Whether or not to display the number of votes received for each entry
To see which image or which user received the most votes, you'll need to check the data collection in the Media Contest app. Here, you'll see a column for total votes, which will allow you to identify the image receiving the most votes, and on the same line, the winning user's details. By exporting the data as a spreadsheet, you can easily find your winners, no matter how many entries you received.

You can also set up the sharing of the Voting Gallery on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp.
It is possible to vote for the images, videos or audios in a Media Contest by linking it to a voting gallery, where you choose the number of votes per person, but it is not possible to comment or vote directly from a Photo Media Contest alone.
Find out how to configure and customise your applications on the Drimify platform with our 7-minute masterclass.
How do the Media Contest game engines work?
You can create and customise different types of competitions:
A Photo contest
A Video Contest
An audio contest
Or even a mix of media formats simultaneously
Contest configuration
To tailor the mechanics of your contest, you go to the Game Configuration creation step. Here you can manage various elements:
Set up the entry screen
As mentioned above, when creating a media competition, you'll be able to choose and tick the type of file that participants will have to upload to the application to take part in your competition: image, video, or audio.
Several parameters and options can be set:
When a file is uploaded to the application, each participant may or may not add a short description to its content
The maximum number of files a participant can submit per entry (between 1 and 10)
Allow participants to skip the upload stage if their entry is not yet ready
Automatically publish content generated by participants without prior moderation (not advised)
This is what the submission screen looks like:

If the file format does not match, an error message will prompt the user to submit a file in the correct format.
You can also create a system of categories.
Add as many categories as you like and name them
When taking part and submitting content, participants will have to select the category their submission is for
Once your application is online and your campaign launched, you'll find the content moderation area under the creation stages in the About section.
You'll find 3 categories:
Pending content waiting for moderation
Accepted content
And Rejected content

This is where all the participants' submissions will be grouped together, and where you can manage them and access their information, such as:
Date of entry
Users' first and last names and emails (if applicable)
Description of content
Number of votes (if linked to a Voting Gallery and applicable).
By clicking on the ⁝ at the top right of each piece of content, you can: view it in full screen mode, download it, or delete it permanently.
How do I manage moderation?
Once you have clicked on the Moderation page, you will first find yourself in the Pending category. This is where the content will arrive first and where you will be able to reject or accept the submissions under each content item, by clicking on one of the buttons.
Content you accept will be placed in the Accepted category. You can also reject them at any time if you have clicked the wrong button.
Any content you reject be placed in the Rejected category. You can also accept them at any time if you clicked the wrong button.
You can log in to your account and manage moderation at any time after your campaign and throughout your campaign.
If your Photo or video Contest is associated with a Voting Gallery, only the images that you have accepted and validated will be displayed in your gallery. However, if you have activated the option to automatically publish content generated by participants without prior moderation, all content submitted will go directly into the "Accepted" category and will therefore be visible to everyone.
How does the Voting Gallery work?
The Voting Gallery a very versatile tool. You can create a gallery to:
Use the voting function to promote and decide your media contest, and either approve media from a connected contest, or upload content manually for users to vote for their favourites
Serve as an art gallery or slideshow to showcase and share your own content
Or both at the same time
Configuring the gallery
You can customise the voting gallery to your needs in the Game Configuration creation step. This allows you to manage the various elements of the experience you're looking to deliver.
Setting up the content
There are 3 different settings for populating the gallery with content:
1. I want to upload my own content
By choosing this option, you'll be able to upload your own content directly onto the platform and into the gallery. This can be images, videos, or even sound files. You'll then be able to name them within the application for internal reference, and also give them a description.
How do I identify the winners?
To find out which media has received the most votes, all you have to do is go to the Game Configuration step, i.e. where you uploaded your content.
Under each uploaded media, you'll find a box showing the number of votes it has received:

2. Fetch content from existing app
This option allows you to connect a Voting Gallery to a Media Contest you've already created - you can directly retrieve the content shared by participants from a Photo Contest or Video Contest that's already online and invite people to vote for the winners.
Several media competitions can be linked to a single gallery to retrieve even more content.
Once you've chosen this option, select the app you want from the drop-down menu:

It is best to first create and configure the Photo Contest or Video Contest, and then configure the Voting Gallery.
3. Have both at the same time
By choosing this last option, you'll be able to do both of the above, one after the other, to offer even more content.
Display settings
There are 2 "gallery types," or ways you can display content to users: a feed that appears vertically, or a slider format that appears horizontally.
You can then choose what information you want to display in your Voting Gallery:
Description (if applicable)
The date on which the media was uploaded or participated in
The content sorting filter
In the case of content submitted through a Video or Photo Contest, you can also choose to display:
The full or abbreviated name or the entrant (or leave them anonymous)
The categories set up in the associated contest
Finally, you can choose to filter the order in which gallery content is displayed by default between:
Most recent
The oldest
The most votes
The fewest votes
The voting function
As mentioned above, this option is not mandatory.
However, once the voting function has been activated, a number of parameters can then be set:
The number of votes per person (between 1 and 10 per session)
The dates on which votes are opened
Whether or not to display the number of votes received for each entry
Identifying your winners when connecting a Media Contest to a Voting Gallery
To see which image or which user received the most votes, you'll need to check the data collection in the Media Contest app. Here, you'll see a column for total votes, which will allow you to identify the image receiving the most votes, and on the same line, the winning user's details. By exporting the data as a spreadsheet, you can easily find your winners, no matter how many entries you received.

Sharing on social networks
You can also set up the sharing of the Voting Gallery on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp.
Is it possible to vote or comment on the contest photos?
It is possible to vote for the images, videos or audios in a Media Contest by linking it to a voting gallery, where you choose the number of votes per person, but it is not possible to comment or vote directly from a Photo Media Contest alone.
Updated on: 09/01/2024
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