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What does this error code mean?

Drimify is a SaaS gamification platform that allows you to create games and interactive experiences for your audience. However, using the different applications can generate error messages with specific error codes.

Here are the most common errors you may encounter and how to avoid them, or solve them:

Error codeError descriptionSolution
ERR_01The application does not work because you have to choose a plan and pay to activate the account.Choose a plan and pay to activate the account from your Drimify dashboard.
ERR_02The application and the account are active, but the content is not yet available because the posting start date has not yet been reached.Wait for the display start date or change it from your Drimify dashboard to activate the content now.
ERR_03The application and the account are active, but the content has expired because the end date has been reached.Change the display end date from the Drimify dashboard if necessary to reactivate the content.
ERR_04The application and the account are active, but the account has reached the limit of the number of views associated with the current plan.Upgrade the number of views associated with your current plan from the Drimify dashboard so that the application can be distributed again.
ERR_05Security error.Sorry, but the variable name "preview" is not permitted.
ERR_06The account has reached the daily views limit available in the free trial.Choose a plan and pay to activate the account from your Drimify dashboard, or wait for the limit to reset at midnight.
ERR_07Wrong game status.Head to your Drimify dashboard and set this content's status to "Publish."
ERR_08The application requires a Premium option.Make sure that your package includes the Premium option required for this application.
ERR_09The application does not work because the unique session ID variable is not detected.Modify the "Limit by unique session ID" section by deselecting the option: "Only allow access to the game via a custom session ID."
ERR_10The application does not work because the session has already been used.Deactivate the "Limit by unique session ID," or modify one of the associated options.
ERR_11The application does not work because the plan has not been unlocked to activate the account.Contact us to activate your account.
ERR_12The application is receiving data that is not following your defined configurationRefresh your page and try again. If the error keeps happening, contact us.
ERR_13The SSO call has failedReview your SSO configuration. If the error keeps happening, contact us.
ERR_14The application's language is not supported.Make sure that the application has the default language added, enabled, and set up; or upgrade your plan to activate the multilingual support.
ERR_15The requested link does not exist.Ensure that the link is correct by retrieving it from the "Publish" section of your application.

It is important to check your account and application settings to avoid these errors and ensure optimal use of the platform. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact the support team through live chat.

Updated on: 25/02/2025

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