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Weighting factor on multi-step leaderboards

If you're customising a Dynamic Path™, a Combo™, or an Advent Calendar, you'll probably notice that for each app you use to build your experience, there is a switch titled Enable the score feature for this step. This option is accompanied by fields for:

A Weighting factor
And an Extra bonus score percentage added when the step is completed

Quite simply, this exists because the scoring or possible outcomes of different games are defined in isolation.

Why is it an option? The rationale behind weighting

Consider building a digital calendar that runs across the course of 3 days. Let's say it goes: Pacman on day 1, a Quiz on day 2, and a Crossword on day 3.

Middling scores across the 3 days could go: 1,900 points on day 1, 75 points on day 2, and 2 points on day 3.

What's the value of 75 points after earning 1,900, and what's the value of 2 points after earning 75 points?

Because different games are associated with different amounts of points, the weighting factor function you can apply evens out the points that can be earned from one step to another, making each step count and delivering a better user experience.

Number of points typically associated with each game type


2048: 2,048 points
Blocks Puzzle: Factor to be defined in relation to the number of points you score on a test game
Bubble Shooter: Factor to be defined in relation to the number of points you get on a test game
Connect 4: Up to 6,500 points per level and 120 minimum
Crossword: 1 point per word
Jigsaw Puzzle: Factor to be defined in relation to the number of points you score on a test game
Memory Game: 3,204 points
Pacman: 1,800 points per level
Word Search: 1,000 points per word
Whack a Mole: Factor to be defined in relation to the number of points you score on a test game

Some games have so many variables in how they can be played and configured that calculating a typical or maximum score wouldn't be representative. In these cases, you need to apply a suitable factor based on the score you can achieve in a test game, as this will be representative of how you've configured the app.

Questions and Answer Games

Quiz: 100 points
Personality Test / Product Recommendation Quiz / Survey: 1 point

Instant Win Games

All: 1 point

Sports Games

Basketball /Football (Soccer) / Rugby / American Football: Factor to be defined in relation to the number of points you get on a test game

Gamification Experiences

Landing Page: 1 point
Media Contest: 1 point
Voting Gallery: 1 point

How do I make it work for my experience? Guide to creating a functional weighting

The weighting of each application can be done in the Dynamic Path™, Combo™, or Advent Calendar's Game Configuration creation step.

Depending on the games you include in your experience, you should take the game with the most points as the game with the factor of 1.

Let's take the example of a Dynamic Path™ where one of the games with the most points on offer is Memory Game (3,204 points). We will then have to adapt the weighting of the other games according to the ones with the highest values:

Memory Game: 3,204 (Factor of 1)
2048: Factor of 1
Blocks Puzzle: Factor of 1 - based on the number of movements
Bubble Shooter: Factor of 1 - based on number of levels and moves
Football (Soccer) / Basketball / Rugby / American Football: Factor of 30 - based on 10 goals, baskets, kicks, or conversions
Crossword: Factor to be calculated in relation to the number of words
Word Search: Factor of 1 for 3 words
Pacman: Factor of 1 for 2 levels
Connect 4: Factor of 1
Jigsaw Puzzle: Factor of 1
Whack a Mole: Factor to be calculated in relation to duration
Quiz: Factor of 30
Survey / Personality Test / Product Recommendation Quiz: Factor of 3,000
All Instant Win Games: Factor of 3,000
Landing Page / Media Contest / Voting Gallery: Factor of 1,000

The above example is purely illustrative, and not a rule to follow. How each game is configured will affect the number of points on offer. It's something that can be refined through the testing phase of customising your app. Ideally, your weighting will make it so that each step carries equal value, or at the very least, that no step becomes worthless by comparison, depending on the aims of your project.

Bonus score percentages

The Extra bonus score percentage added when the step is completed option mean you can apply a bonus to completing particular steps.

For example. If you wanted to place particular emphasis on the outcome of a Quiz near the end of your experience, you could apply an extra bonus score percentage of 50. If they then scored 3,000 points in the Quiz, they would get 4,500 points added to their overall score.

If you need help configuring the weighting, don't hesitate to contact us on livechat.

Updated on: 03/06/2024

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